Long ago, an ancient people called the Enotri — long since lost to the march of time — lived across Greece and all the way to what is known today as Calabria, or the southern tip of Italy. They were a people who found joy in work, so the rich soil of their land produced lush vineyards. So fertile was their crop, they were labeled Enotri, or “people from the land of the vine.” They were defined through their work and the love for their land.

Enotri forms relationships with vintners who carry on this spirit. Rather than being known by their marketing or how their bottle looks on a shelf, our vintners spend their resources on the taste of their product. They have committed to sustainable, organic, and biodynamic growing practices, rooted in traditional methods that date back to when they were originally planted by Roman horticulturalists nearly 2000 years ago. Our vintners are defined by the quality of their wine.

And we at Enotri want to be known for carrying wines that surprise with every sip, are inspirational and eye-opening. And we want to truly know our product so that we can sell it with the fervour it deserves. We define ourselves by our integrity.

How do you define yourself? Is it through your work? Your family? Your values?

So often, we discover ourselves through the smallest moments, ones that refine, purify, who we are. And in that moment, we are revealed to ourselves.

Might we be so bold as to suggest that it could all start with something as a glass of wine?

Know what you’re buying. Know your values. Know thyself and discover how roots matter..